Cindy Lawless

And so the busiest week of the year (so far) ends....

Hello everyone!!  

Almost through with one of the most difficult weeks ever... 8/9 days singing/playing is a double edged sword.  It's great to be in demand but the voice can only take so much (and the legs!!!)  

Tomorrow ends the busiest week I can remember... with Daizy Chain at the Old Marco Lodge in Goodland from 3-7.  This will close out their season until the fall.  

There was lots of rain this week as well to add to the fun!!!  

What a rush it was yesterday, to play the big stage at Miromar Outlets!!!  I hear there were 25 thousand people in attendance!! The 80's Icon band was a lot of fun too.. great costumes/characters.... 

Dave and I still are not completely moved into our new place... so once this week is over, we'll be a different kind of busy!!!  It never ends.. does it!!??

Hope you all had a great 4th of July weekend and I hope to see you soon... God Bless America!!!!

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